After constant media coverage of anti-social behaviour in Ceduna I wanted to go and experience it for myself. Here is what I learnt.
Ceduna is a HUB with around 50 government agencies providing support to people from as far away as WA, Yalata, the NT, The APY Lands and more. This brings significant numbers into town. Even more in Summer when people want to escape the inland heat and enjoy the coast. Locals want some of these agencies moved to other towns to spread the load.

Locals have noticed an increase in anti-social behaviour since the cashless welfare card was scrapped in 2022. They are calling for this to be reinstated.
The foreshore has been the area of biggest concern where people come to drink, fight, urinate and more. A bloke who lives along the northern end apparently collects $50 worth of cans a week – that’s 500 beer cans. Another woman living south is known to collect $30 a week – that’s 300 cans. And it’s supposed to be a dry zone like the rest of the town.

The lawlessness seemed to peak in summer and now that days and nights are cooler many have returned to their outback communities and incidents have decreased.

Over the weekend I saw ZERO violence, felt safe and the streets were clean. Ceduna seemed like a picturesque and peaceful holiday destination, but many are worried what summer will bring if issues are not addressed.