Sponsored by Phil Hoffmann Travel

Written by Nicole Edwards from Phil Hoffmann Travel on 1 May 2020

As the travel withdrawals set in and the cabin fever becomes apparent, all whilst being stuck inside with the kids, we can tell you are in need of a holiday! We might all be stuck inside, but we here at PHT have a way that you can still experience the world, whilst teaching the kids some geography and culture along the way, and who knows you might even learn something new yourself.

Bring on lounge room travel! Follow the steps below for a day filled with wanderlust and adventure…

Decide where to go; spin the globe, throw a dart, or open the atlas to a random page and select a destination to explore for the day.

Visit the Travel Agent; What kid doesn’t enjoy dress ups and play pretend? Uniform is crucial, get them dressed up and looking their professional best. Set them up behind the computer and make plans for your trip, talk about the airlines and destinations you will experience on your journey. The sights you hope to see and the highlights of that destination. This is a great way for them to learn about planes, attractions and accommodation across the globe.

Pack your bags; We suggest packing a backpack of in-flight essentials as we all know no one wants to unpack a suitcase on the return from holidays, let alone from a pretend living room vacay. Don’t forget the passports if you are venturing overseas!

Arrive at the Airport; You’re almost on holiday, you can feel the anticipation of a new venture but first, you need to check-in. Grab your boarding passes and head on through security.

Board the plane; Now we all know a little someone who wants to be a pilot, let their imagination run wild! They could drive the plane, be the flight attendant or a traveling passenger, remember in the world of lounge room travel there are no boundaries.

You have arrived; hopefully safely with no mid-air emergencies or longgggg stopovers! The next stop is to explore your destination. Spend the day indulging in cultural experiences, decorate the room in destination-specific arts and crafts (there goes an hour), learn to cook a local dish, and engage in a cultural activity of the area such as learning a local dance or observing a cultural style of prayer. A perfect way to show your little, the cultural differences and acceptance of the world, whilst having fun and experiencing new things.

Lastly, you need to brag and blog; share with all your friends and family the fun new destination you discovered today and the newfound worldly knowledge you have acquired. Post a photo to social media or change the background of a zoom call with a loved one, to show you’re on holiday and share all your new experiences.

And if this is all too much…? Sit back, relax and let Phil Hoffmann Travel take you on a world of adventures.