AFL clubs are “terrified” at the possibility directors could be liable in concussion lawsuits, says Warren Tredrea.

Tredders has told Rowey & Timmy G on the FIVEAA sports show:

“I’m hearing that AFL commissioners and club directors are – terrified is the word… Being liable”

TIM: “Are they? I thought the AFL covered that.”

TREDDERS: “I thought they used to, too. I got told recently that club directors and the AFL have had a meeting at city hall with their massive concerns around this concussion stuff. Because the insurance companies will be on the hook, but who’s to stop… they are liable.

“So every club director of every club is sitting there liable.

“There are two massive class actions going. One’s fallen over from a lack of funds, I’ve been told. Not confirmed, but I heard a whisper. While the other one – and that’s why the directors of the clubs are bashing on the AFL’s door saying, ‘Settle this and get it done. Make it go away.’”