Caroline Wilson has told the FIVEAA sports show a stand-alone game in Sydney could open the 2024 AFL season.


Caro told Rowey & Timmy G:

“I reckon the weekend before the season generally starts you will see a game at the SCG, which is available I believe on either the Friday or Saturday night of the weekend before the season opener – or no loner the season opener – between Richmond and Carlton.

“Could be two [games] – certainly one… I think it’s a terrific idea and I think that’s what they should be doing. They need to do something to put AFL on the map in NSW… I reckon it will be Friday 8 March or Saturday 9 March.”

Caro also confirmed the draw would be kind to the Adelaide Crows – a make good hinted at after the controversial Ben Keays goal-point in Rd 23.

“I think Adelaide will be pretty happy,” Caro said. “I think the AFL will look favourably on Adelaide.

“This fixture is going to focus on blockbusters all around Australia… the view of the AFL is footy in Victoria is pretty healthy at the moment, but they have to do something about creating more blockbusters up north… and in SA and WA and specifically in Sydney.”