The father of a teenage boy flown to hospital following an incident during a local football game has spoken to FIVEAA about his son’s condition.

17-year-old Angle Vale player Henry Nau was taken from Hamley Bridge Oval to the RAH by helicopter and placed in an induced coma on Saturday.

Now according to a statement given to FIVEAA by his dad:

Henry is awake and responding.

He’s far way away from his usual self yet, but we are hopeful.

While his initial scans were positive, he did not have an MRI yet.

Secondly I believe that while this is still an ongoing investigation, I will keep quiet. There is no need to put fuel on fire.

There is footage of the incident and I would like to see that myself. The second hand interpretation we have been given does not line up with the recollection Henry has and he remembers clearly what happened until he got off the field after the incident. We want to see ourselves the play to either put minds at ease or to discuss what our next steps will look like.

At this stage Henry’s health and recovery are our priority

Happy to talk once we have the right information.

Thanks for understanding.