RECIPE BELOW – From On the Menu with Callum and Themis

Serves 8
Generally, gelatin isn’t added to passionfruit curd as it is thickened by the eggs once they are heated to about 83°C. In this case the gelatin has been added to make the curd hold it’s shape better on a plate. Be careful not to boil the curd, or you will end up with passionfruit flavoured scrambled eggs! Dessert recipes often weigh eggs, as eggs can vary so much in size that defining a weight ensures consistent results.

110g eggs (approximately 2 large eggs)
100g castor sugar
65g no-added salt butter
50g passionfruit pulp
½ gold strength gelatin leaf

1) Soak the gelatin in a bowl of very cold water. Bring butter and passionfruit pulp to the boil together in a small saucepan.

2) In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs and castor sugar until combined. Pour the boiling butter and passionfruit pulp onto the eggs and sugar, whisking quickly to combine.

3) Return to a clean saucepan and cook, whisking constantly, until thickened. Remove from heat. Squeeze excess water from gelatin and add to the mix. Stir well, refrigerate immediately.

4) Spoon into tart cases or transfer to a piping bag for a more accurate result.