40 per cent of pre-packaged meals tested by SA Health had unsatisfactory levels of bacteria, according to a new report.
According to The Advertiser, 42 out of 98 ready-to-eat meals bought at local shops failed SA Health testing.
In one of the worst cases, an alla panna sauce contained 310 times the acceptable level of B. cereus — a bacteria that causes food poisoning.
“Most manufacturers who are normally in this business will (understand the risks) but there’s an increase in small businesses or retailers getting into this realm but not without risk,” Eastern Health Authority boss Michael Livori told the paper.
More than 40 per cent of ready-to-eat meals tested by SA Health contained too many bacteria https://t.co/R5Np5C1Ez1 #newsadl #foodsafety
— Eugene Boisvert (@eugeneboisvert) October 30, 2017