The bikeway dropping debris onto South Rd appears to have been an afterthought tacked on to the tram overpass project, says shadow transport minister David Pisoni.
“I want to pick the minister up again on his claims that this wasn’t a tack on,” Mr Pisoni told FIVEAA brekkie on Thursday morning…
“The minister has said that the design work included the cycle lane, but the budget didn’t include the cycle lane when it went to the public works committee.
“When was the design work done? Was the design work done before this project went out for consultation or was it done afterwards?
“It would surprise me if the design work wasn’t started until after the consultation was finished. The public works committee weren’t given the opportunity to examine the bikeway.”
Mr Pisoni said the overpass project had been completed in a “key marginal seat” in time for 2010 state election.
“This project went out for consultation in June 2008,” he said, “and at that time the government said it had no plans to include an overpass for cyclists or pedestrian use.
“Yet one month later they made an announcement that they would include a cycle overpass.
“When the report went to the public works committee in October of that same year, the $28m that was allocated for the project did not include the cycle path.”
Transport minister Stephen Mullighan denied the path was an after thought…
“My political opponents have been out there trying to make great hay saying that this was some hastily cobbled on addition to the bridge,” he said.
“I think what the opposition is trying to do is cause some consternation in the mind of the community that this was bolted on to the edge of the bridge.
“That’s not the case…
“I certainly freely admit that when the government first announced plans to have a tram overpass… a shared walking and cycling path wasn’t part of the plan…
“The message we got from the community was clear. They wanted the opportunity to walk and ride over this and avoid crossing South Rd, so that was included in the project.
“At the completion of the project we have an independent engineering expert to certify that the bridge has been delivered appropriately and it’s fit for purpose.”