A team from the Social Research Centre asked 2,000 Aussies which world events had the greatest impact on Australia during their lifetime…

Here are the results.

#1. The legalisation of same-sex marriage (mentioned by 30 per cent of participants)

#2. September 11 (27 per cent)

#3. Kevin Rudd’s apology to indigenous Australians (13 per cent)

#4. Port Arthur massacre (13 per cent)

RELEAED: disturbing video of Martin Bryant goading police in wake of Port Arthur | FIVEAA

#5. Sydney Olympics (12 per cent)

#6. Whitlam’s dismissal (12 per cent)

Gough Whitlam outside Parliament in Canberra

#7. Vietnam War (11 per cent)

#8. Apollo 11 moon landing (9 per cent)

#9. Arrival of the internet (9 per cent)

#10. (Three-way tie with 8 per cent) Australia II’s America’s Cup victory, the GFC and Julia Gillard’s election as our first female prime minister.